
Hello world, and welcome to my blog. This is a personal page about sports, family, jobs, school, and of course women. I hope to share some insight with you through my stories, and perhaps pass along a bit of influence. That being said, just relax and let the pulsating electricity from The Circuit pass through your mind.

28 January 2011

Texting Women

As many of us know, texting has become a huge sensation over the past several years.  It is literally impossible to go anywhere without seeing someone's fingers moving rapidly across their cell phone's keyboard.  Most parents are forced to purchase the "unlimited" texting package as opposed to 250 a month, as many teenage girls could break that mark in an hour.  Now, when it comes to texting, many of us men know that there is no greater joy than looking down at our vibrating phone to see the girl we've had on our mind all day has just sent us a message.  Within seconds we are grinning from ear to ear, and it seems that nothing in the world can bring us down.  This actually happened to one of my roommates 2 days ago, when a girl that he likes texted him.  He literally went from being a grumpy old man into a giddy 4 year old.  Even from my personal experience, I know that when I get that text, I start smiling and feel really good about myself.  And after processing all of this, it really makes me wonder:  can us men have the same effect?  Can we send a simple message saying "hi :)" to a girl, and immediately turn her day around?  It seems that many times girls are afraid to admit it, but at the end of the day, I'd like to think that we too possess this ability.

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